Sunday, November 13, 2011

Optimizing Websites for mobile viewing

I recently read an article on hub spot (link at bottom of blog) that talked about how long blogs should be.  It quickly switched the focus (a blog post should be as long or as short as it takes) from length to how the blog looks on a mobile device.  I then visited on my iPhone and it was a very different experience then visiting it on my laptop. While I had the option to switch the full site which was nice, I thought the mobile site did a horrible job of conveying the McDonald's message and experience. Why was it bad?

1) It had a very different message then the full site and when I visited them both I felt cheated with my mobile experience.

2) It did not have an easily accessible menu to look at. I would think that people who are looking up the site on a mobile device want to be able to see a menu easily.

3) Finally it had a different layout then the main site and I thought that took away from the experience.

1 comment:

  1. I am an almost chronic mobile user, constantly reading the news or looking up information. While agree McDonald's mobile site is lacking the visual aids of their web site, they do have a pretty comprehensive listing of their foods under nutrition. Not that I really wanted to know how many calories, and mg of sodium that I ate for lunch, but it is nice to know that they will put that out there for us to make informed decisions on the go.
