Thursday, November 24, 2011

Creating a Strong Brand Online

I think that all companies should have a presence online and that companies who don't are missing out on great opportunities.  Because the internet is the first place many consumers go to research new products or services all companies should have a site that at least shares some basic information about the company, its products and what services it provides.  Here are a few links to "Mom and Pop" type shops that offer a great internet experience. This site offers financial advice to clients in Central Minnesota. While you can tell it offers some stock photos and feel good type language, it also offers a glimpse into the person running the company.  If I were going to invest thousands of dollars I would want to make sure that my adviser was computer savvy and had a webpage. This site is still under construction but you can see how even a local company can benefit from the internet.  This person (when his site is up and running) will enter the global marketplace and it will not matter how far away his customers are, he will be able to sell them wild rice.

Finally I think that it is important to create a strong website even if all's it does is provide information to the consumer and creates brand loyalty. This site offers users a highly interactive website that allows them to learn more about Chew 5 Gum. You can't order the gum from the site, but the site builds brand loyalty.

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