Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The three biggest ideas from this class

Data Mining - This is the concept of sifting and organizing data on consumers (both individual and collectively) to help steer your marketing efforts.  

I think this concept is important because all too often companies gather information about you but then have no idea how to use it (beyond a mailing) to help them market to you.  I know that after learning more about this concept I will take Data Mining to the company I work at to help market summer camp to kids.

Ad Serving - The whole idea of advertising on the web (or even producing a cheap tv commercial) through companies that ad serve was new to me, and I think it is the wave of the future.  Much like infomercials of yesteryear (and still going strong) this new way to advertise gives legitmacy to companies and provides them with new and affordable ways to reach out to their customers.

Online is where it is at -  This class helped solidify that having a presence online is needed for any company to stay in business these days. It doesn't matter if your a mom and pop gas station or selling wild rice ( if your not online your not going to be as susccessful and in fact it can be the difference between the life or death of your company.

and a bonus idea - Blogging is hard!  To be able to create information that is informative and entertaining even just twice a week is hard work.  I have a new found respect for my favorite bloggers and give them major props for doing this day in and day out.

1 comment:

  1. Todd

    I agree, blogging is a skillset that is a challenge. I have a new respect for those that are able to present their thoughts in an organized manner multiple times a day.
